Frequently Asked Questions (when chartering a bus)

How much of a deposit is required?

87% of coach companies require a deposit when booking. The average deposit is 22%

When is the final payment due?

Typically, final payment is due 10 to 30 days before departure.

What is the cancellation policy?

Most companies allow you to cancel without penalty 14 to 30 days before travel

How soon do I need to book?

Ideally, you want to book at leat 3 weeks in advance to ensure availability. The earlier you book,

the more options you will have.

Do I need to tip the bus operator?

The most common driver gratuity across North America is 10%, however in some metro areas,

especially in the Northeast, companies charge 15% to 20%. Limobus and executive coach services with additional personnel on board usually ask for 15% to 20%.

Do I pay for parking, tolls and other fees?

A majority of bus companies include these fees in their initial quote, but some companies separate

them and have you pay as the fees are incurred. Just be sure to ask if these fees are included or

are separate before booking.

Do I need to book the hotel room for the bus operator?

Yes, for overnight trips, it is customary to book the operator’s hotel room, but most hotels will

comp the bus operator’s room (provide the room for free) when you book rooms for large groups. Ask

for someone in group sales at the hotel to ensure the operator’s room gets comped.

Is alcohol or smoking allowed?

About 80% of bus companies allow alcohol with a refundable deposit of typically $150 to $250 in the US. Alcohol is not allowed on buses in Canada. Only a small percentage of bus companies allow


Can I purchase just one or two seats for a trip?

No, only lists bus companies in its directory that charter the entire bus. provides single passenger tickets.

I have a CDL License, can I charter a bus without a operator?

No, the bus owner’s insurance policy doesn’t allow it.