Data is based on 947 reviews submitted on roughly 800 bus companies listed on from April 24, 2008 to March 31, 2009. On average, 16.9% of reviews came in negative (You have an 83% chance of having a good experience if you choose a bus company without doing research.)
- Poor equipment/old or dirty buses (5.1% chance)
- Bus arrived late (3.3% chance)
- Amenities did not work: TV/DVD, AC, Heat or Bathroom (2.5% chance)
- Bad/rude driver (2.3% chance)
- Company is hard to reach/Won’t return calls (2.2% chance)
- Bus broke down (1.9% chance)
- Charged extra after the trip (1.8% chance)
- Bus never showed up (1.6% chance)
- Refused to give a refund (1.6% chance)
- Driver got lost (1.5% chance)
- Misrepresented fleet (1.2% chance)
- Company did not follow through with contract (1% chance)
- Inadequate space on the bus (.8% chance)
- Failed to change drivers after 10 hours of driving (.7% chance)
- Company didn’t follow the itinerary (.7% chance)